Wishing You, Your Business, and Your Family... A Very Merry Christmas! And a Healthy and Prosperous New Year!
J.E. Shannon & Associates

As we Celebrate Christmas, remember those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Be kind, loving, and generous in the New Year. There are a lot of our "neighbors" out there that are suffering hardship in this economic time. That is the reason why during the rest of December and the month of January, we will be donating a percentage of our products and services profits to local, national, and international charities. If you are not a current client of ours, we would like to extend an invitation to become one today! Please visit our site at http://JESAonline.Net to view our products and services. Contact Us TODAY! And, Thank all of our current clients. We appreciate your business and look forward to the New Year!
James and Adrianna Shannon Owners\Consultants
P.S. We will have limited coverage over the holidays and will still answer calls on a delayed basis.
Start a new tradition with your family, read The True Story of Christmas on Christmas Day: Luke 2:1-20